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Join us for a spiritually enriching experience as Pastor Obi of Activate Church guides us in "Finding Peace in the Storm." In this sermon, we embark on a profound exploration of mental health through a Christian lens.


Pastor Obi brings his deep spiritual insight and compassionate understanding to the forefront as he delves into the critical importance of addressing mental health within our Christian walk. Drawing from the wisdom of Scripture, he offers practical guidance on how faith can be a source of strength and solace during life's most challenging moments.


Discover how the Christian community can come together to support one another in times of mental distress, breaking down stigmas and fostering a climate of empathy and healing. Whether you're personally navigating the waters of mental health or seeking to support others on their journey, Pastor Obi's sermon offers valuable insights and a message of hope.


This compelling sermon is an invitation to find peace in the midst of life's storms through faith, understanding, and community. Join us for this transformative discussion on the intersection of faith and mental health led by Pastor Obi, a dedicated shepherd of Activate Church.

Finding Peace in the Storm - A Critical Christian Look on MENTAL HEALTH Part 2

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